I agree that setting goals are important. However, I find an issue with setting goals only to fulfill some annual practice that only leads to unmet expectations and let downs that can culminate in depression and further stress because we do not resolve to make the resolution.
If we look at motivation to achieve a goal as coming from one of two sources: intrinsic or extrinsic motivators, then we can see how New Year’s resolutions are doomed to fail more often than not.
Extrinsic Motivation and Why It Isn't The Most Effective!
Extrinsic motivation refers to behavior driven by external rewards such as money, fame, grades, and praise. Extrinsic motivation arises from outside the individual. An example of extrinsic motivation is “: I want people to think I look good in my bathing suit on my vacation, so I am going to lose 20 pounds by March 1st.” This may seem harmless (and common), but the problem is what happens when March comes? We look good in our bathing suit and then proceed to put the weight back on and return to our previous lifestyle only to do it all over again next year.
Intrinsic Motivation Reigns Supreme
On the other hand, intrinsic motivation is doing something because it makes you feel better or become a better person. Take this same goal if it is based on intrinsic motivation and say: “ I am going to lose 20 pounds by March because I am 20 pounds overweight and prediabetic, and I know if I want to live a long and healthy life for my kids, I know I need to lose this weight and keep it off.” This type of motivation behind the same goal is much more likely to stick because it is driven from the inside of us rather than from some external validation source.
Research shows that goals that are intrinsically set are 2x more likely to be successful. This is true in regards to educational, occupational, and health goals. Showing up to work to be a better employee is intrinsic vs. showing up to work to not get fired is extrinsic. One keeps you at the company; the other only puts off the inevitable.
The other problem with extrinsically motivated goals is that they are easier to quit. We can find excuses to have a cheat meal or end the diet. We can “try and try again” and never seem to get it. Intrinsic goals are driven from within, and quitting is not an option. There is no try - only do or do not.
What Motivates You To Focus on Health?
What motivates you? After you answer that question, then ask why it inspires you. Let’s be more thoughtful about our goal setting and not fall into the cycle of try. Need help with your health journey? Reach out to us today to begin getting motivated the "right" way and achieve your fitness goals in 2021!