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Fitness Motivation

Updated: Sep 27, 2020

If we were to take a poll, it would be fair to bet that most honest people would admit that fitness is essential, beneficial, and even necessary in life. Why is it, then, that something so obviously helpful is hard to put into practice? There is something between "knowing" something is right for me and doing something about it. Pardon the analogy- but picture a recipe. 

I can have all of the ingredients, have the equipment, and even have the recipe telling me how to cook the meal, but if I do not crack the eggs, set the oven, and put the work in, then all you will have is a mess on your counter. Yes, fitness is essential. Yes, life is busy. There are plenty of distractions and reasons to say no to exercise, but when the benefits weigh enough in my mind - they will inspire the motivation to put what we know into action.

It all begins with the self-talk in our minds. The conversation will likely go like this: "I know I am out of shape, gaining weight, feeling sluggish, and just feeling all around yucky! I need to do something to get my health back on track. Maybe I will start working out. Yes, that's it - I will get a trainer and get on a program to lose 15 pounds and get back into shape." 

Okay, stop the tape.

This is the tipping point. You can put it off until tomorrow, or you can look into programs to start you on your way to better health. Unfortunately, while 90% of the population knows they need to do more about their fitness, 10% are. Even more unfortunate is when someone has hit their rock bottom to get them motivated. We cannot wait until we are pre-diabetic or have high blood pressure. We need to find that motivation now. I am not just writing this to encourage the reader; I am also writing to encourage you to inspire others in your life.

You can be the motivation for someone else to get their health back. If you're worried about someone's health, invite them for a walk; connect them with a personal trainer or nutrition coach specializing in a holistic lifestyle approach to weight loss. Put what you know is right into action - not just for yourself but for someone you care about.

We need to do more as a society to help lift each other up rather than always putting them down.



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