Almost 8 months ago our lives as we know them were drastically changed. As a coach with a graduate degree in studying human behavior it didn’t take me long to see the immediate effects the COVID motivated shelter in place was having on people’s wellness. The weight gain was immediate. People who were not sedentary before, now barely moved throughout the day. Fitness trackers stayed on the charger. Depression slowly sank in and the tension of being kept inside away from other humans began to eat away on the mental health of so many of us.
History shows us what times of “quarantine” and isolation have done to the lives of people groups around the world. The time of social separation from others leads to depression, sadness, boredom, and other crises of the psyche. Being told to stay inside has had obvious negative effects on the physical fitness of millions of people. The combination of the lack of activity and dissatisfaction with circumstances has led to the “COVID 19 lb. weight gain.”
Sadly, millions of people around the world have been affected with a reality far more severe than weight gain or depression. People have lost loved ones because of the disease and fear just compounds everything else we are feeling. The fact is: Covid 19 is affecting the wellness of tens of millions of people who will not be listed among any statistics.
So, what do we do about it?
Move as much as possible as often as possible. Fill up on water, vegetables, and other natural whole foods. And take some time to be grateful for all that you do have. These steps will help with your physical and mental health. We have to fight for our lives.